


EQUA s.r.l is a young and dynamic company that has taken the path of innovation in the sector of taps and bathroom in general.

Traditional products have been combined with new products and new born ideas that have mixed technologies and materials in an unusual and original way.

The whole production of taps are in stainless steel.

Electronics, Lights and new material such as solid surfaces have been added to this uncommon material.

From this mixture have been realized typical italian design and manufacutring products with very very innovative and particular technology.

Thanks to these innovations, solutions have been proposed on the market that distinguish not only for their design, but also for their decidedly innovative technological base and projected into the future.



Made in ITALY

Equa provide Italian products by vocation in absolute contrast with the rush towards outsourcing that now characterizes most of the production units.


Equa is italian company with strong roots in its territory and produce all components of their products by following an eco-friendly line that respects the environmental impact.


The whole production of equa is made in italy that brings a great contribution to the style, the development of new technologies and the design that has made our country famous internationally.



© 2018 Equa System - Piazza IV Novembre 7 - Gozzano (NO) - 28024
C.F e P.Iva 03218330961 - Capitale Sociale 30,000 € - Numero REA MI1657749 .
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