Umberto Cifarelli

Umberto Cifarelli was born in Saronno Varese on 9 May 1968.

Follows the elementary and middle studies, showing immediately artistic attitudes, and techniques in construction and graphics sector. In 1982 he enrolled in the Professional Technical Institute of Lissone, specialized in technical furniture and design related to decor. In 1985 he get the first certificate of technical designer of furniture. 

In the same year he enrolled in another course for two years of specialization, achieving in 1987 the Diploma from High School in industrial technician of furniture and decor, with excellent results especially in the technical artistic subjects. In September of the same year, starts the first collaboration with the Melgrati Furniture of Lissone, a collaboration that continues for many years with large results, even in international market

In recent years as an professional designer he shore up the collaboration with different stores including F.lli Libretti, improving the technical knowledge in bathroom furniture and renovation. In 2009 he founded the Design Division with the architect Roberto Picello, which mainly deals with research and design.



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